Thursday, 21 February 2013

Advertisement: Books to Buy


May Allah Bless us during this Jumuah Barokah
I would like to promote 2 books shown below:

This is my work last year, Alhamdulillah, Thankful Allah...
These two books are from Great Teamwork..
These two books also are belongs to who interested on Research in Islamic Astronomy...
These two books still in printing process..
Stay tune..once ready......please don't forget to get it!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars: Role of Stars According to al-Qur'an and Astronomical Context


May Allah bless you all with rahmah, mawaddah and sakeenah..

Today, i would like to share about Role of Stars According to al-Qur'an and Astronomical Context
This is part of my research (thesis)..
Let's we check it out what al-Qur'an and Sunnah says about Role of Stars!

One of the role is providing direction for people to go at night in the desert or the sea.
It’s mentioned in following verses and marks and signposts; and by the stars (men) guide themselves"

Astronomy context stated the role of stars in daily applications such as navigation, measurement, mapping, weather and aeronautics. 

The scripture also defines stars as lower heaven as stated in these verses, We have indeed decked the lower heaven with beauty (in) the stars” and “And we have, (from of old), adorned the lowest heaven with LampsThese phrases also indirectly illustrate the starry night is the marvellous creation by God, The True Creator. At this stage, we can identify some of the understanding from the verses of the Quran is still consistently fit with astronomical context.

However, the scripture also described the role of stars beyond of astronomical justification, for example, the stars also are a guard and protection from Evil which referred to the shooting stars. It is mentioned in several verses such as We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, and have prepared for them the Penalty of the Blazing Fire” and “And (moreover) we have guarded them from every evil spirit accursed, But any that gains a hearing by stealth, is pursued by a flaming fire, bright (to see)” . This shows the scripture is not only provide a physical understanding in explaining the role of stars but also covers another metaphysical perspective which is beyond astronomical justification.

This is simple explanations that i showed how al-Quran describe role of stars and its collerration to astronomical context. May this article beneficial to others understanding astronomy and islam..


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars: What al-Qur'an says about Stars


Twinkle twinkle little stars, the verse that we all grew up singing as children. For astronomers, twinkling stars mean bad seeing and turbulent air. Its mean, astronomer does't happy to see twinkling stars images.

Do yo know, as Muslim astronomer and doing the research in islamic astronomy, we must know that stars also mentioned in our Holy al-Qur'an.

For this post i would like to show you the terminology of stars in the al-Qur'an.

Terminology of Stars in Holy al-Qur’an
Surah  and Verses
i-                    al-Najm

ii-                  al-Nujum

al-Nahl (16): 16,
al-Najm (53) :1

al-A`raf (7):54,
al-Nahl (16):12
al-Thur (52) :49,
al-Waqi`ah(56) :75,
al-Mursalat (77):8,

i-                    al-Kawkab

ii-                  al-Kawakib

al-Nur: 20,
al-Saffat (37):6 dan
al-Infitar(82) :2
al-Furqan(25):61 dan

Fussilat (41):12
al-Mulk(67): 5
al-Najm (53): 49
Al-Tariq (86):1

According to Table shown above, there are al-Najm words or term in the Qur'an of 13 verses. Four verses of the Qur'an that contain words al-Najm in singular  and 9 verses that contain the word al-Nujum of plural words. For term al-kawkab/al-Kawakib five verses, three verses that describe the al-buruj (Constellation), two verses of al-Masobih, while  term al-Khunnas,al-Shi'ra and al-Tariq each found in only one verse in the Holy al-Qur'an.

Thera are some conclusions that i might to show you:

Firstly, the term Al-najm generally broughts the meaning of star while the term Al-buruj is more referred as constellation of stars in the skies. Constellations as it’s mostly known as meant group of stars that configures a pattern in the sky such as Orion and Leo, or any areas in the definite celestial sphere that is marked with arbitrary boundary lines. According to Mufassireen, concluded that there are four views concerning the term ‘al-buruj’. Firstly, star(s) in a group means constellations or zodiac.  Second, al-buruj brought the meaning as guard the skies (al-qusur).  Thirdly, al-buruj brought the meaning of ‘an interesting creation. Fourthly, clusters of stars

Secondly, the term al-Kawkab mentioned in al-Quran to describe as a star that decorates the skies while the term Al-Khunnas is understood as a star that is moving and is not stationary.  Some of them added by saying that al-Khunnas is a moving star.

Thirdly, the term Al-Masabih or lamp basically means shining. Stars are named as lamp because it shines.

FourthlyThere is only one Quranic verse that mentions al-Shi’ra that is in the verse 49 of Sura al-Najm. According to the astronomy today, al-Shi’ra means star named Sirius. Astronomy found that Sirius is a binary star.  A binary star is a pair of stars that revolves around each other because of the gravitational force that exists between them.

Fifthly, the term al-Tariq means Piercing Stars. In modern astronomy nowadays brought to means pulsar stars. 

Finallysimple conclusion from this review is verses from al-Quran show that stars in several terms:  al-Najm means stars physically as celestial’s bodies. Al-Kawkab, al-Kawakib, al-Khunnas, al-Masobih that referred to the properties of a star itself that is shining and moving because a star is a celestial body that radiates its own light and heat also moving in their own motions according to modern astronomy today.

I hope this article may be beneficial to others....


How to determine direction of Qiblah: Classical or Traditional Approach


How are you today? May Allah bless us with rahmah, mawaddah and sakeenah everyday..Ameen Ya Rabbal 'Alameen.

So on this post, I would like to share some tips how Muslim Astronomer calculate and determine direction of qiblah.
Firstly, do you know we must finding direction of qiblah according to Allah SWT said in al-Qur'an:

al-Baqarah verse 149:

"So from wherever you go out [for prayer, O Muhammad] turn your face toward al- Masjid al-Haram, and indeed, it is the truth from your Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what you do."

There are some classical or traditional tips for finding qiblah to us:

1- Using the Polaris Star to determine North

Polaris Star : is show True North from any places on the earth. It is located at  the constellation Ursa Minor and this constellation is at midnight sky Malaysia in July and December each year. Its positions can be identified based on the form of star constellations like this figure

Qiblah direction can be determined based on the difference in angle of 68 degree (for Malaysia) to the left of the position of the Polaris stars as shown in figure below:

 Qiblah measurement using  Polaris Stars

Next step: Use the angle indicator with your finger to determine the aperture angle. See figure below: Use the angle indicator with your finger to determine the aperture angle. See Figure 5.
Angle measurement using a finger

2- Using the Crux or Southern Cross Constellation to determine South

The Crux or Southern Cross :is the smallest constellation in the 88 constellations that can can be seen on earth. It is used to indicate the direction of the south. Its Acrux star always pointed south towards the earth

Qiblah direction can be determined based on the difference in angle of 68 degree (for Malaysia) to the left of the position of the Acrux star. 

3- Using the stars on Orion Constellation (Mintaka,al-Nilam,al,Nitak)

In this constellation there is a row of three stars Mintaka, Al-Nilam and An-Nitak. Qiblah direction can be found by projecting the three stars in a row is to the west. Orion constellation will be in Malaysia when the dawn sky in July and then will appear in December. In March constellation Orion are in the middle of the sky at sunset. 

Guide for this form constellations shown in figure belows:

4- Using Position of Sunset

In general, if we refer to the sunset position for the purpose of determining the qiblah is not accurate. This is because the sunset in Malaysia will vary from 235 to 295 azimuth. However, as one of the measures  the sunset can be used where it is known the difference angle between the direction of the sun with the qiblah. Estimate the angle difference between the direction of the qiblah with sunset in Malaysia on average use in tables and figures as follows:

Estimate the angle for direction of qiblah with sunset in Malaysia
to the right 45 degree
to the right 40 degree
to the right 25 degree
to the right 15 degree
to the right 5 degree
to the left 1 degree
to the right 1 degree
to the right 5 degree
to the right 15 degree
to the right 30 degree
to the right 40 degree
to the right 45 degree

Lets  try to determine direction of qiblah with your own based on using my tips..
Next i will share how we determine direction of qiblah using modern approach...
